Having proper car alignment is extremely important, as it ensures that tires do not wear down too soon and that the tires can work properly. Cars tend to stay aligned unless something happens that causes car misalignment. Unfortunately, due to the frequency that most people use their vehicles, car misalignment is fairly common. There are many different potential causes of car misalignment.
If you have noticed that your car seems to be out of alignment, it is important to get it checked out. Not only does a properly aligned car drive smoother, but it also extends the life of your tires and helps improve your car’s fuel economy. Continue reading to learn more about car alignment and causes of car misalignment.
What Is Car Alignment?
Car alignment is the single most important thing in your car that allows you to sit in your car comfortably and not get jostled around every time you go over a bump. Car alignment is the term used to describe the system that connects the suspension to the rest of your car. The suspension protects the cabin of your car. The car’s alignment also makes sure that the wheels of the vehicle wear down at a similar pace. Car alignment is required for making sure that your wheels are in cohesion and are operating at the right speed and direction.
Causes Of Car Misalignment
There are several different things that can cause a car to get out of alignment. It can be caused by natural wear and tear, the person driving the car, or certain things on the road. The top reasons why a car may become misaligned include disturbances, problems with the components of the vehicle, and driver negligence.
1) Wear And Tear
The first reason why your car may get misaligned is because of natural wear and tear on your vehicle. With regular use, your vehicle will experience wear and tear as your car drives over different types of roads. Over time, different parts of your suspension may wear down or become loose. This includes the shocks or struts of the vehicle. If you have not had your vehicle’s alignment checked out in a long time and you are noticing that your vehicle is less comfortable to drive in, it may be time to go to the mechanic.
2) Disturbances
Another potential cause of car misalignment could be a disturbance from the road. Sometimes, simply driving over something can cause your vehicle’s alignment to get thrown off. A sudden impact from going over something such as a pothole or curb can cause a disturbance. Your car’s alignment may also get thrown off by driving over a speed bump too quickly or during a car accident.
3) Driver Negligence

The three causes of car misalignment are related. The third reason that a car could get out of alignment is driver negligence. If the driver of the car deliberately or carelessly drives over things such as potholes or large objects, then they could be risking the alignment of their car. Alignment can also be affected by certain modifications. The car’s suspension is specifically made for the height and size of the car. If the lift or height of a car is tampered with, you might risk the alignment of the car being thrown off.
Is Your Car’s Alignment Off?
If you are concerned that your car’s alignment may be off, it may be time to pay a mechanic a visit. If your car’s alignment is off, it can create a wide variety of problems including decreasing the lifespan of your tires and potentially causing a large suspension bill in the future. The right mechanic can identify what the issue is with your car’s alignment and effectively find a solution.
We at Paskett Auto are committed to providing our customers with excellent repair services. Our technicians are experienced and knowledgeable, meaning they can diagnose the problem with your car very quickly. If you have any questions about the different causes of car misalignment or if you would like to schedule an appointment to get your car repaired, feel free to reach out to us today.
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